
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Teaser Tuesday: The Goddess Inheritance by Aimee Carter

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB over at Should Be Reading!
To participate all you have to do is:

•Grab your current read
•Open to a random page
•Share "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
(make sure what you share doesn't give too much away! You don't want to ruin the book for others!)

The Goddess Inheritance by Aimee Carter
Published by Harlequin Teen
Release Date:  2-26-2013
"'But the time has come to fight not just for the lives of those you love, but for your own as well,' he said, 'If only so you do not hurt those same people by leaving them the way you're so afraid they will leave you.'" (said by Henry) ARC, pg 156
"He kissed me again and hand a finger above the waistband of my jeans, leaving searing heat wherever he touched me." ARC, g 155
I know so many people think that the Hades/Persephone myth is overdone, but I disagree.  I love this myth, and I really love when someone modernizes it because it's full of romance, pain, betrayal, and sizzling attraction.  I am really enjoying this one so far, even though Kate can be annoying.  Henry makes up for all the (insert your choice of noun) that comes out of Kate's mouth and/or actions.  I will admit, I am going to miss Henry when this book is over.  (I wish someone would write an NA or Adult version of the Hades/Persephone myth!)