
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Teaser Tuesday: Sweet Peril by Wendy Higgins

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB over at Should Be Reading!
To participate all you have to do is:

•Grab your current read
•Open to a random page
•Share "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
(make sure what you share doesn't give too much away! You don't want to ruin the book for others!)

Sweet Peril by Wendy Higgins
Release Date:  4-30-2013
Published by HarperTeen
"In one step he had me against the table, the back of my thighs hitting the edge as he pressed his body flush against mine."  ARC, pg 32
"I only had a second to be relieved before I saw the ferocious look of Azael's features and my fear revived.  He flew at me so fast that I flinched when he halted an inch from my face, his whisper screaming in my mind.  'Hide yourselves!  Now!'" ARC, pg 330