In 2010, three sisters decided to start a blog to share their love of Young Adult books with the world. Little did they know what all that would entail and where it would bring them--from the Tournaments, to the blog tours, to the authors and to other bloggers who both became lifelong friends. Through the years some honorary sisters joined up along the way, and one of the sisters even became a New York Times Best Selling Author! As time does though, it moved everyone to different seasons in life. But now!!!! But now!!! There is a new generation of YA-Sisterhood! The LOVE and the JOY that literature brought into their lives has been passed down to their children, nieces, nephews, and friends. It's time for the next generation to take over the blog and give it new life and breath. Plus, the next generation of YA-Sisterhood is actually TEENAGERS! Without further adieu, here is the next generation of "sisters".
Founding Sisters:
Brittany (the baby sister) aka New York Times best selling author Cora Carmack
Brittany (the baby sister) aka New York Times best selling author Cora Carmack
Amy (the big sister)
Jennifer (the middle sis)