Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish.
1. The Weasley Twins- Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling-- Fred and George! Or is it Gred and Forge? From U-No-Poo to their epic firework exit-- we love the twins! Two of my most favorite characters ever. (I can hear them scoffing at being labeled minor! :) )
2. Luna Lovegood- Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling: Another Harry Potter favorite! We probably could have done a whole list of our favorite HP minor characters like we did with Mean Girls, but we decided it was time to share the love. Anyway-- Luna is odd, and awesome, and completely hardcore. I want to BE Luna Lovegood.
3. Rudy Steiner- The Book Thief by Markus Zusak: Oh Rudy! That Saukerl! How can I express how much I love Rudy Steiner? He painted himself black to be like Jesse Owens! He threw bread to Jews on their march to Dachau! And he loved the Book Thief heart and soul! To quote from the book, " He does something to me, that boy. Every time. It's his only detriment. He steps on my heart. He makes me cry."
4. Finnick O'Dair- Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins: Oh Finnick! He deserves his own cheerleading squad. He's that awesome. He's gorgeous and cocky with a dark history. Plus, he's a wicked good swimmer. A more courageous, more handsome, more fictional Michael Phelps?
5. Nuts and Bolts- Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins: I loved this quirky duo! Nuts being, well, Nuts, and Bolts being made of supergeniusawesomeness made for an entertaining and heart wrenching minor character arc.
6. Jules- Die for Me by Amy Plum: You might have heard us rave about how much we love this recent release. But in case you haven't-- WE LOVE DIE FOR ME! GO BUY IT NOW! Part of what makes the book so good are the minor characters like our beloved Jules! He's handsome and witty (oh, the wit!) and an artist. What do you know... I think my heartbeat just sped up from only talking about him!
7. Magnus- The Mortal Instruments by Cassie Clare: There are so many things we could say about Magnus. He's odd. And we love our oddballs. He does magic. And boy do we like Magic. He's funny and mysterious and such a fascinating character! Loooooovvve him! :)
8. The Haldis Pack- Nightshade by Andrea Cremer: We might be cheating here by choosing a whole pack, but they are called a pack for a reason! It's a little difficult to distinguish just which character makes them so great! Neville is hysterical with his cheeky limericks. Mason sings. Ansel is the adorable little brother. They all come together to make for a fun, dangerous, heartfelt ride!
9. Tris's Mom- Divergent by Veronica Roth: We just finished reading this new release, and if you haven't read it, you should get your hands on it like yesterday! Perhaps my favorite book in a long, long time(But more to come on that later)! Tris's mom was this hardcore, tough, intelligent woman all hidden underneath a plain, selfless exterior! We love it when characters turn out to be so much more than they first appear!
10. Daneca-- The Curse Worker series by Holly Black: We were so glad to see more of Daneca in Red Glove, and after learning a secret about her in the new book, she's an even more fascinating character!
And now for some much loved Honorable Mentions:
Mr. Tasey- Paranormalcy by Kiersten White: (Not technically a person, but still awesome)
Gonzo and Balder- Going Bovine by Libba Bray: What's not to love about a hypochondriac dwarf and a talking lawn gnome that might be a Norse god?
James Atherton- Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins: Same biting wit as his daughter Sophie, but in a much older, more demon-y package.
Neville Longbottom: It made me so sad to leave your off Neville. Know that you are first in my heart!
And last, but certainly not least Archer -Fire by Kristin Cashore: The womanizing bad boy with a knack for protecting Fire. *sigh*