This is a short, sweet novella.
Ryan Hunter's parties are legend. And tonight she's going to be there.
Liza Matthews anticipates the return of her best friend and only love since kindergarten from soccer camp. But when Tony finally shows up, his mind is more focused on another girl. And worse, she's a soccer player. Fighting for the attention Liza craves, she's just a hairbreadth away from making a very stupid decision. But when extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures, she's prepared to play ball to get her man.
The tryouts are hell, the first match ends bloody, and the morning after the selection party she wakes up in the worst place possible—in the arms of the captain of the soccer team. The hottest guy in school. Ryan Hunter.
Hi all, and thanks for inviting me to share my thoughts with you today. So right at the beginning, I have one basic question I want you all to answer:
How would you like your hero?
I prefer mine with an athletic body, a touch of danger in everything he says, and a mischievous grin that gives me goose-bumps. I also like them to come with a nice dose of sarcasm, because I think that’s just my second language. LOL
As the reader you have to rely on your favorite authors to capture a nice guy with a fine description. He must make the right moves, say the right things at the right moments, and look just perfect. I hope all of you have found your dream boy in a book which you can read time after time and fall in love with the hero all over again.
As the writer, you’re clearly in the better position. You don’t have to go with someone else’s taste, but you create your own Mr. Perfect. For me, Ryan Hunter was one such guy.
When I started writing PLAY WITH ME, I was all set to make Tony the sexiest guy alive (for me). I had him standing in this cool way in Liza’s door at the beginning, he gave her that half smile, and he hugged her like a best friend. But at the moment I typed the name Ryan Hunter, I caught my own breath at the imagination that came up with this name. Most of the time, he wears these white shirts with sleeves rolled up to his elbows, that clash so awesomely well with his devilish, black hair. When he looks at a girl, he makes her wonder: Oh my God, did he just notice that my heart stopped beating because of him? And when he hangs out with his friends, he can be playful and stupid and still be sweetly adorable.
The book was short, but I managed to pack everything I want in a guy into those few pages. It’s like I granted you an exclusive glimpse into my personal dream guy zone, which I didn’t even tell my best friend about. ;-) Well, she read the book by now, so I guess she knows pretty well what I like… LOL
All right, I told you mine, so now it’s your turn to tell me your favorite trait in a character that makes him irresistible for you. If you’re game, leave a comment and share your most protected secret with us ;-)
Anna Katmore
(aka Piper Shelly)