Welcome to The YA Sisterhood's YA Crush Tourney 2.0! We hope that through this all you will meet a lot of book loving people, discover new books, and of course be introduced to many more dreamy crushes!
Be aware that we have tried to keep all the posts pretty general, but there might still be some spoilers. If the spoiler is big, it will be marked. However, still proceed with caution!
Matches will run for 24 hours, 12am to 12am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For more information please check out our Tournament Page.
Hi guys! Katie with Mundie Moms and Alyssa with TMI Source back again to talk to you about our love for Will. Previously we shared a list of things we loved about him here, and had a little help from Jace and a few TMI fans share in the love of Will here, and both times you guys rallied around Will with us to in order to help him advance to the next round! Today we need to do that again, and this time we're going to keep this short and sweet. I mean, who doesn't love Will?! He's a shadowhunter with a wicked sense of humor, he's intelligent, can sing, is romantic, loyal, he reads and he's hot. Not that looks should matter, but when this Shadowhunter is holding a book it is down right sexy! Yes, Will READS!
The thing Alyssa and I love most about Will is the fact he's literate. He loves books as much as Tessa and the rest of us do. I mean, if you didn't love reading you wouldn't be here reading this post now. Not only can Will send a few demon's back to where they came from, bite a vampire, and practically handle any other creature that comes his way, he's also well read. He can quote literature, understands the need to go and get lost in a good book. Here's what Will has to say about books:
“It was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not completely alone. They could be honest with me, and I with them.”
*sigh* Who can argue with that. He reads for the same reason many of us do! Let me take it one step further...... IMAGINE if you will, Will reading to you....
It's a cold dreary night in Victorian London. You're lounging in front on the fire (I'm sure Shadowhunter's lounged, and yes pretend for a moment you're a shadowhunter), you might have a shawl or hand made blanket to keep you warm, as well a fire going in the fireplace. You're quietly reading your book, Church is laying near your feet when you are startled by the presence of Will, looking dashing as ever as he sits down beside you. He's of course being a gentleman, but he knows how to push the line of being a gentleman and of course a guy perfectly well. You'll find he might "accidentally" brush along your hand a little too purposefully as he gently pulls the book out of your hand that you've been reading. He'll most likely scoot a little closer to you on the couch since it's just the two of you, as he begins to read A Tale of Two Cities.
You of course will get lost in those piercing blue eyes, and listen to the sound of his soft voice (after all he does have a reading voice that pulls you in and holds you captive), while trying not to be too obvious you're checking him out. Admit it, even women of stature back then checked out guys. And because it's just the two of you, the fire will gradually start to go fade, and the room grow a little cooler. You'll naturally scoot closer to Will and before you know it you've rested your head on his shoulder and fallen asleep to the sound of Will reading you a book. He'll try to hide that smile as he realizes that the love he has for you can be nothing more than what it is at now. He is after all loyal to Jem and wouldn't want to do anything that would hurt him or you, but he won't deny himself that gentle kiss he plants on your check as he pulls the blanket up over you more. Afraid of moving and waking you up, he happily enjoys the moment of your head on his shoulder, and he whispers, "My Tessa", before continuing to read the book quietly to himself.
"One must always be careful of books, and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us...."
If you're a fan of Shadowhunters who can be romantics and love to read, VOTE FOR WILL.
This is Hannah from The Girl in a Cafe, and I've got the awesome job of representing Adam Kent from Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi in the #YACrushTourney. I was lucky enough to be invited to Omega Point to meet Adam AND look through his files. Believe me, you'll want to read what's in there!
Who is he? Family man, best friend, soldier boy, lover. His whole world revolves around keeping the ones he loves safe from harm, even though the world hasn’t really done the same to him. He’s fierce in everything that he does – he’s fiercely passionate, fiercely loyal and just generally fierce. He makes mistakes - he's just a normal guy, after all. But one thing Adam never does is gives up.
This guy can love a girl like no other. I just found this: “God Juliette, I’d follow you anywhere You’re the only good thing left in this world.”
He’s a military man. He wears a uniform. And what does that mean? It means this: Every inch of his body is raw power. Dark blue eyes, dark brown hair, sharp jawline, strong lean frame. Gorgeous, dangerous, terrifying. Complete with tattoos.
And he sleeps without a shirt. "I’m just hot. I don’t usually sleep with my clothes on."
Did I say that Adam was in the army? He’s incredibly deadly and could probably shoot your ear off from around the next block. But that’s not all. We’ve got good reason to believe that Adam’s not just a super sexy powerfully built military machine. I’ve got it on good authority too. “But do you think that Adam – Do you think he’ us, too?” “I think, that it is entirely possible”
A tall, dark and terrifyingly gorgeous man who also has the sweetest heart in a world of death and decay and power hungry people. Case closed. Where do I sign up? Or more importantly, vote?