Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Books When You Need Something Light and Fun

Top Ten Tuesday is an original meme hosted and created by The Broke and the Bookish

This Week:  The Top Books When You Need Something Light and Fun (In No Particular Order)

1.) Anna and the French Kiss

I am a huge fan of Stephanie Perkins.  Light, romantic contemporaries are always great when I'm looking to relax.

2.) Lola and The Boy Next Door

Of course, I had to mention Stephanie's other light-hearted romance!

3.) Poison by Bridget Zinn

This was such a surprise to me.  I'm not usually a fantasy fan, but I loved the world in this one.  Plus, the main characters have such a sweet and humorous relationship that I just had so much fun reading it.

4.) The Nightmare Affair by Mindee Arnett

I really loved this one.  It was reminiscent of Harry Potter to me because you have a small group of students determined to find the dark wizard who threatens their world.  Add in some hilarious scenes and cute romance, and this is a great light-hearted read.  (Now, there are some dark moments, too!  So be warned)

5.) Of Poseidon by Anna Banks

This book literally made me laugh out loud so many times.  The main character is hilarious, and definitely has a way with words.

******Wow guys....I'm having a hard time with "light and fun!"  Most of the books I read are more intense because I like the paranormal and dystopian genres which lend themselves to darkness.

Sadly, that's all I can seem to come up with that fits my definition of "light and fun."  I'm more a fan of dystopians like Defiance, Divergent, Poison Princess, etc. where there is death, danger, disease, etc. that runs rampant; or paranormals like Anna Dressed In Blood, Splintered, or the Covenant Series which also pretty much runs the gammut on all things dark.  I'm sure I'll see some I should have put on there after looking at everyone else's lists!