Sunday, July 7, 2013

Match #22: Dimitri(4) vs Darkling(7) goes to Dimitri!

Welcome to The YA Sisterhood's 3rd Annual YA Crush Tourney!  We hope that through this all you will meet a lot of book loving people, discover new books, and of course be introduced to many more dreamy crushes!  

Be aware that we have tried to keep all the posts pretty general, but there might still be some spoilers.  If the spoiler is big, it will be marked.  However, still proceed with caution!

Matches will run for 24 hours, 12am to 12am EST every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  For more information please check out our Tournament Page.


The Winner of Match #22 is Dimitri!

Dimitri from The Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

Hello everyone! *Waves* Welcome to the 3rd Annual YA Crush Tourney! I am Chandra from Unabridged Bookshelf and I have the great honor of representing the esteemed Dimitri Belikov this year! If I seem familiar, you may have seen me here last year representing another fellow from the Vampire Academy and Bloodlines series by the incrediably talented Richelle Mead, Mr. Eddie Castile. I had a lot of fun last year, and could not be more excited to have the chance to be an advocate again let alone for the gorgeous guardian Dimitri.

Dimitri is the knight is shining armor girls have been dreaming about for years. He is protective, noble, always willing to put his life on the line for those he loves and those he has sworn to protect. He takes his duty as Guardian for the Moroi (good vampires) very seriously, especially after losing his first charge and his best friend to the Strigoi (bad vampires).Dimitri is a true gentleman and most defiantly crush worthy.

Dimitri is tall, dark, and dreamy all wrapped up in a Russian accent. Dimitri stands just over 6’7” with dark soulful eyes, and long dark hair and he is incredibly fit. Don’t believe me, why not find out what Ms. Rose Hathaway has to say about Dimitri’s looks.

“The other problem in my life is Dimitri. He's the one who killed Natalie, and he's a total badass. He's also pretty good-looking. Okay-more than good-looking. He's hot-like, the kind of hot that makes you stop walking on the street and get hit by traffic.
 Rose Hathaway-Frostbite

Dimitri has many talents including making girls melt around him. He is a fierce warrior, and is admired by the entire Dhampir and Moroi world. When we first meet Dimitri in Vampire Academy he already has six Molnija marks which are given every time a Dhampir Guardian kills the evil Strigoi. He is a lethal machine who only softens ups around those he loves.

“Yet, it had been Dimitri’s gentleness and thoughtfulness mixed with that deadliness that made him so wonderful. The same hands that wielded stakes with such precision would carefully brush the hair out of my face. The eyes that could astutely spot any danger in the area would regard me wonderingly and worshipfully, like I was the most beautiful and amazing woman in the world.” 
Rose Hathaway-Blood Promise.

As advocate, I am here to campaign for Dimitri and convince you of why you should vote for my favorite Dhampir. If the above has yet to convince you, then let me leave you with one final quote for you to ponder over.

“Dimitri: Well, you and I will both be Lissa's guardians someday. I need to protect her at all costs. If a pack of Strigoi come, I need to throw my body between them and her.
Rose: I know that. Of course that's what you have to do.
Dimitri: No. If I let myself love you, I won't throw myself in front of her. I'll throw myself in front of you.”
Vampire Academy


The Darkling from The Grisha Series by Leigh Bardugo

Cheers my dears! My name is Emily and I run the blog Falling For YA. I will be advocating for The Darkling   from the wonderful Leigh Bardugo's Shadow and Bone & Siege and Storm. From the first page I knew I was going to love the Darkling he is my type of guy; dark, sexy, and just the right amount of evil!
I didn’t ask you for flattery.”
– The Darkling, Shadow and Bone

Oh my dear Darkling you didn’t ask for my flattery but I’m going to freely give it. Of all the YA bad boys out there you take the cake. You truly are the villain we love to love!

The Darkling is the ultimate bad boy

 “He had a sharp beautiful face, a shock of thick black hair, and clear gray eyes that glimmered like quartz. I knew that the more powerful Grisha were said to live long lives, and Darklings were the most powerful of them all. But I felt the wrongness of it and I remembered Eva’s words: He’s not natural. None of them are”

He may not be natural but he is hot! Strong jaw line, eyes like granite, and he’s constantly wearing black clothes with his symbol, the sliver of a moon during an eclipse.

The Darkling is complex, deep, and lonely

“Like Calls to Like”

Maybe that is the reason we swoon over The Darkling? Because like calls to like. We see something in him that is reflected in ourselves. Those dark thoughts that creep in to your soul at night, the loneliness that overtakes when we are truly alone, the longing to change the world for good or better, to leave a mark. The Darkling feels those same things.

I knew he was a practiced liar. He could fake any emotion, play on any human failing. But I couldn’t deny what I’d felt in Novyi Zem or the truth of what the Darkling had shown me: my own sadness, my own longing, reflected back to me in his bleak gray eyes.

The Darklings got that Something Special

The Darkling is the leader of the Second Army. He is second only to the Ravkan King and he views the King as nothing more then a child. The Darkling is the most powerful Grisha and he knows it. The Darkling isn’t afraid to use his power for good…or evil…depending on your perspective.

The Darkling also has a host of skills that only he possesses. He can summon darkness to blind his enemies, use darkness to slice his enemies in half (the Cut). He’s also a living amplifier which means that his power can be used to strengthen the power of other Grisha.

The Darkling is someone you want to have on your side in a fight! 
“So I'm the Darkling's prisoner?"
"You're under his protection."
"What's the difference?"
"Pray you never find out.”

 Why should you vote for the Darkling?

The Darkling is:
♥ Powerful
♥ Complex
♥ Lonely
♥ Sexy
♥ Deep
♥ Charming
♥ He is the villain we love to love!

If The Darkling got your vote make sure to tweet using the hashtag #DarklingsDarlings
