Tuesday, November 22, 2011

YA-Sisterhood's Tournament of Heroines Nominations

And.....drum roll please....the time is finally here for our very first, YA-Sisterhood Tournament of Heroines!!!!  Our Crush Tourney was such a success, that we felt compelled to let the heroines step up to the plate.

But what makes a true heroine you might ask?

A heroine is a female character who is admired for her noble qualities. We think it's someone who meets the world head on. This doesn't mean she has to be a hardcore girl who can beat up anyone who crosses her path (though those girls certainly qualify). Your favorite can be anyone you admire, for any reason. The important thing is that she is extraordinary in some way or another-- be that the way she handles other people, her inexhaustible humor, or her skill with a crossbow. We encourage you to think outside the box! Search your bookshelves for the female characters who inspire you, who make you want to be better, who prove that our world doesn't have to be a man's world.

**If you have any questions about the tournament please read this entire post and the advocate post.  Many if not all of your questions should be answered in one of these sections.  If not, then please feel free to ask us a question in the comments section for all to see, incase someone else has the same question.***

We have some rules we would like to lay down at the beginning.  You may comment on all of the tournament posts to your heart's content; however, we will not allow unnecessary rudeness.  These characters are all an author's creation, and we will respect their work.  Any posts containing profanity, slandering, or anything that we deem inappropriate or negative will be erased.  This tournament is for fun and to celebrate the characters that our beloved authors have created.  

Now, on to the fun stuff.  We have a google document at the bottom of this post that will allow you to nominate your favorite heroines.  You must leave your name and email address in the form or your nomination will not be counted.  (This will allow you to nominate 1 time only, but does not stop you from raising support to get your girl nominated!)  You may nominate up to 10 heroines.  Some of the heroines do have the same name so please put your heroine's name and her book/series. If we aren't sure to which character you are referring, the vote will not be counted.   (Example: Hermione from the Harry Potter series)  Your nomination must be a female and from the young adult genre.  We will update the nomination's post 1 time everyday.  Nominations will be open for 1 week only.  They will close at 12:01 AM CST on Thursday, November 24th.  Then 1 week later, December 1st the 1st match(es) will go up!

There have been a lot of people volunteering to be advocates, so obviously not everyone will be able to advocate.  However, I know that many advocates would love your help in spreading the word, tweeting, blogging, making icons etc.  So, pick your girl, and support her in any way possible.  The advocate sign-up is still open. So if you are interested, have an active blog, and twitter account, you can click here for more information.  We will announce the advocates sometime after the nominations are final.  If you have signed up to be an advocate, once the nominations are final, you will receive an email from us with further instructions regarding being an advocate or a pinch hitter.

For those of you who were die hard fans for the Villain's Tourney, have no fear, the villains will be making an appearance in the future!  Thank you all so much for your enthusiasm for this tournament and the last!  We greatly appreciate it, and we know the authors love seeing their character's names all over twitter and the blogosphere!!!

Here are the tallied nominations that came in before 10:00 PM Central Time, Wednesday 11/23/11. 
NOTE: Please be patient as we count up the votes. They are coming in quicker than we can count them. DUE TO THE LARGE NUMBER OF NOMINEES,  I'VE ONLY INCLUDED THOSE WITH FIFTY OR MORE VOTES


Clary Mortal Instruments 1073
Katniss Hunger Games 1031
Tessa Infernal Devices 713
Hermione Harry Potter 695
Izzy Mortal Instruments 432
Tris Divergent 431
Rose Vampire Academy 377
Meghan Iron Fey 339
AnnaBeth Percy Jackson 305
Nora Hush, Hush 271
Mara The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer 217
Katsa Graceling 213
Aura Shade 195
Bella Twilight 195
Cammie Gallagher Girls 195
Juliette Shatter Me 191
Sophie Hex Hall 188
Luna Harry Potter 185
Kaylee Soul Screamers 183
Karou Daughter of Smoke and Bone 177
Emerson Hourglass 175
Kat Heist Society 171
Max Maximum Ride 170
Clara Unearthly 160
Calla Nightshade 158
Claire Morganville Vampires 157
Janie Dark Seeker 151
Alex Half-blood 148
Kate Die for Me 148
Luce Fallen 147
Fire Fire 145
Sydney Bloodlines 144
Bryn Raised by Wolves 144
Elena Vampire Diaries 141
Evie Paranormalcy 135
Cassia Matched 131
Anna Anna and the French Kiss 130
Dru Strange Angels 129
Grace Shiver 128
Ginny Harry Potter 125
Zoey House of Night 125
Lena Delirium 118
Helen Starcrossed 117
Jacinda Firelight 115
Yelena Poison Study 105
Aislinn Wicked Lovely 79
Chloe Darkest Powers 76
Ellie Angelfire 72
Saba Blood Red Road 71
Lena Caster Chronicles 65
Puck Scorpio Races 65
Rhine Wither 65
Mia If I Stay 64
Deryn Leviathan 61
Susannah Mediator 61
Amy Across the Universe 60
Gemma Great and Terrible Beauty 60
Leisel Book Thief 58
Violet The Body Finder 56
Riley The Demon Trapper's Daughter 54
Anna Anna Dressed in Blood 53

May the odds be ever in your favor! Let the games begin!!!!

Feel free to grab an icon to post on your blog! Congratualtions to Amber from PageTurnersBlog who won our contest by creating the amazing banner and icon for the tournament.

Nominations are now closed! We will get the results posted as soon as we can!  Stay tuned!!!