You can have no more then 10 members on your team. Once you have collected your team, send us a group name so we can keep track of you and your team members.
We'll then send you the first list of tasks. If you complete those by a certain date you get to move onto the next Tier of Tasks. As long as you and your team keep completing the tasks by the given dates you'll keep moving on to the grand prizes! We'll send you a kit that you can use to accomplish your tasks (we'll also need addresses of your team members if they want a kit as well).
Don't worry, the tasks are super easy and fun!
There'll be lots of opportunities to win things along the way and we'll have lots of fun together!
So, if you want to be one of our 10, then please sign up in the comments by leaving your name (1st only), email, twitter handle, blog, tumblr, facebook...etc whatever info you have! We'll work together as a Team to accomplish all the tasks and be the best Team Daemon team out there! It is probably better that you have a blog, twitter account, tumblr or facebook account to join the team, so we have a way to get the word out through you. Sign up ASAP, so we can get this show on the road!!! Trust me, if you are a JLA fan, you DO NOT want to miss this!!!