You might notice from our last review, that we have a new reviewer on the blog, and IT'S OUR MOM!!! We are so excited to have our mom join the blog because we owe our love of reading and writing to her alone! She has been so much more than just a mom to all 3 of us! She was our English, Literature and Theatre teacher in high school, our play director, our coach in all our academic contests, and our constant support throughout the years! She's also always encouraged us to follow our dreams even when it's moving across the country to work at a theatre for next to nothing in pay, or travel overseas with a bunch of college students or getting married at the age of 20. We all 3 take after her in our own unique way! A few months back when she mentioned being on our blog, we all 3 jumped at the chance the have her! We are thrilled to have her on board and hope you all will love her as much as we do!