And the winners are...
Alex and Daemon!
(Should be an interesting finale, huh, guys? Bad@$$ Heroine vs. Bad Boy love interest. Whose side will you be on?)
Matches will open at 12:01AM on April 7th and close at 8PM CST on April 9th. We are not having advocates in this tournament, so all of you feel free to rally the troups and support your characters in the comments. Remember above all that this tournament is to celebrate ALL of Jennifer's characters. If there is any slandering, character bashing, cursing, or anything else we deem inappropriate, we reserve the right to delete your comment. Let's have fun, cheer on our favorite characters, and show Jennifer how much we love her!
**The winner of these matches will face the other in the Ulitmate Covenant vs Lux Showdown next week!**
Match #11: Alex (Seed #2) vs Seth (Seed #3)
Okay, here we go! Let's find out who is going to rule this match between the two Apollyons! Both are worthy, both are powerful, and both are so fan-freakin'-tastic! As you probably know, Alex and Seth are both from JLA's Covenant Series. Alexandria, Alex for short, the protagonist of the series, was born a Half-Blood but finds out that she is actually the 2nd of 2 Apollyons. In modern day history there has never been 2 Apollyons, so she is extremely rare. And as legend says, 2 apollyons does not bode well for the Covenant. Alex has bravely faced every challenge that has been tossed her way, some so harrowing that even the greatest of mythological heroes would have turned back. She is caught in a love triangle of epic proportions between Seth and Aiden in which many of JLA's readers would gladly take her place!
Seth is the uber-strong Apollyon who is able to control the four elements: earth, wind, water, and fire. But, he doesn't stop there--he is the only one who can control a fifth element--akasha, which can only be described as a lightning bolt coming from his oh-so-masculine hands. He is arrogant to a fault, and as a result, he thinks he's, we'll say Zeus's gift, to all women. Because Alex will end up being the 2nd Apollyon, Seth has a very strong connection to her--both physical and emotional. He's tempermental, saucy, and has the kind of charm that radiates sexiness. If Seth were in our world--he'd be the oh-so-sexy guy who told your parents that "My girl doesn't have a curfew," and then with a tough "vroom," you'd jump on the back of his motorcyle and take off (fearing exactly what your parents were going to say when you returned). In the coming novels, I have a feeling everything between Alex and Seth is about to explode into all out chaos, the good or the bad kind is yet to be determined! Good luck chosing who should win, but these girl's right here, have no idea!!!
Match #13: Daemon (Seed #1) vs Dee (Seed #3)
Daemon and Dee, the siblings that we have all come to love so dearly! All the girls want Dee for their best friend and Daemon for their boyfriend! This is going to be one painful match! If you don't know who Daemon and Dee are, here's a little info on them. both represent JLA's Lux Series. Both are uncommonly good looking aliens that have all kinds of awesome powers. All of the aliens from this series are born into triplets including, Daemon, Dawson and Dee are one set of triplets. Daemon out of all the aliens on earth is currently the most powerful. He comes across as harsh and mean, but it's only to protect his family. He is Katy's love interest in Obsidian even though he never wanted to be involved with a human. It's the ultimate of all forbidden romances, that will make you fall hard for this hero! Oh yeah, and did we mention he is super, extraordinarily, swoon-worthy!
Dee immediately befriends Katy, and soon becomes her best friend, despite Daemon's futile attempts to pull them apart. Dee is in an on-again, off-again relationship with Adam, one of the Lux who seems to be more tolerable towards humans. She is by far the friendliest of all the Lux, and she whole-heartedly defends Katy to all the other Lux. She's beautiful and has a fantastic sense of fashion. Dee's the girl that you want to be your college roomate, your maid of honor and your wedding, and the one beside you if you ever get mugged! We love both Daemon and Dee so much and hate to see either of them go, so we wish you the best of luck in your voting decision!