And the winner is:
Adam Kent
Welcome to The YA Sisterhood's YA Crush Tourney 2.0! We hope that through this all you will meet a lot of book loving people, discover new books, and of course be introduced to many more dreamy crushes!
Be aware that we have tried to keep all the posts pretty general, but there might still be some spoilers. If the spoiler is big, it will be marked. However, still proceed with caution!
Matches will run for 24 hours, 12am to 12am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For more information please check out our Tournament Page.
*Uses booming, echo-y voice*
First off, I'd like to welcome some friends of Christian's to the stage. I've gathered Adrian Ivashkov, Queen Vasilisa Dragomir, Dimitri Belikov, and Rosemarie Hathaway here today to share how they feel about Christian. They clearly know Christian better than I ever could (unfortunately). So let's bring them to the stage!
Hello Adrian! Thanks for taking time out of your...uh...busy schedule to be here. Please tell me, what do you think of Christian?

Lissa: *snorts* Yeah. Okay.
Adrian: Your Highness, you're not allowed to say anything about that. You're biased because one day Christian is going to be the daddy of your baby Dragomirs.
Lissa: Whatever. And Christian will make an excellent father. A lot of people see him and think he's this tough, frightening guy who's ready to turn Strigoi at any moment. But in reality, he's the exact opposite. Christian is extremely sweet. So he may not pull out chairs and open car doors for me, but he's been there for me through everything. Even when we were broken up for a short time, Christian supported me and stayed faithful to me.
Adrian: Tune in next week, folks, for the next episode of "Grossest Speeches of All Time."
Lissa: Shut up, Adrian. Anyway, Christian also teaches younger teenagers how to control their magic for good purposes. He has risked his life for me on multiple occasions and killed countless Strigoi. But he hasn't developed a big head. He still has various insecurities. Once, he even tried breaking up with me because he thought it would make me happier. He's truly unaware of how amazing he is, or how attractive he is.
Allllrriiiiiiiiiiiight. Well, Dimitri, why don't you take it from here?
Dimitri: I wouldn't have dedicated my life to protecting Christian if I didn't think he was a great guy. He has a lot of admirable qualities that many people overlook. Although she will kill me for saying this, I believe that Christian is a lot like Rose. They both possess unwavering loyalty to those they care about--especially Lissa--and fierce determination.
Rose: You're right, Dimitri. I will kill you for that later. I was asked to keep this PG, so the thoughts I'm allowed to share are really limited. Christian Ozera is an insufferable piece if work. I'm not sure how Lissa tolerates him all the time. He is stubborn. And always making snide remarks...Okay, so I see why Dimitri said we're a lot alike. Here's the thing. Christian may have the ability to grate on my nerves like no other has done before. Sometimes I may want to throttle him. But at the end of the day, the guy has really grown on me. Over the past couple of years I've realized that Christian and I make a wonderful team and he is the only one I want to see as the "daddy" of Lissa's "baby Dragomirs."
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, guys. It has been truly...enlightening.
I'm pretty sure they covered almost everything, but personal entanglements may have altered their views. In that case, I will present you with the cold hard facts.
- Christian is the type of bad boy that has been severely lacking in YA. The boy is seriously misunderstood, but he doesn't let it bring him down. He's all dark, glower-y, snarky, and extremely hot, but he has a heart of gold. He treats his lady right.
- He doesn't let what others say define him.
- He can light people on fire without actually burning them.
- He can give Rose a run for her money.
- He's got these gorgeous bright blue eyes.
- He's a vampire.
- He's sexy.
- He's hot.
- He's fine.
So vote for him! Use #TeamOzera on Twitter to help spread the word. And most importantly, have fun and bring Christian Ozera to victory.
This is Hannah from The Girl in a Cafe, and I've got the awesome job of representing Adam Kent from Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi in the #YACrushTourney. I was lucky enough to be invited to Omega Point to meet Adam AND look through his files. Believe me, you'll want to read what's in there!
Who is he? Family man, best friend, soldier boy, lover. His whole world revolves around keeping the ones he loves safe from harm, even though the world hasn’t really done the same to him. He’s fierce in everything that he does – he’s fiercely passionate, fiercely loyal and just generally fierce. He makes mistakes - he's just a normal guy, after all. But one thing Adam never does is gives up.
This guy can love a girl like no other. I just found this: “God Juliette, I’d follow you anywhere You’re the only good thing left in this world.”
He’s a military man. He wears a uniform. And what does that mean? It means this: Every inch of his body is raw power. Dark blue eyes, dark brown hair, sharp jawline, strong lean frame. Gorgeous, dangerous, terrifying. Complete with tattoos.
And he sleeps without a shirt. "I’m just hot. I don’t usually sleep with my clothes on."
Did I say that Adam was in the army? He’s incredibly deadly and could probably shoot your ear off from around the next block. But that’s not all. We’ve got good reason to believe that Adam’s not just a super sexy powerfully built military machine. I’ve got it on good authority too. “But do you think that Adam – Do you think he’ us, too?” “I think, that it is entirely possible”
A tall, dark and terrifyingly gorgeous man who also has the sweetest heart in a world of death and decay and power hungry people. Case closed. Where do I sign up? Or more importantly, vote?