Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Match #26: Hermione (Seed #4) vs Tris (Seed #5) Goes to Hermione

And the winner is...


Welcome to The YA Sisterhood and round 3 of The Tournament of Heroines, The Extraordinary Eight! Can you guys believe we're already down to eight heroines? Crazy! Thank you in advance for your participation in our Tournament of Heroines! We hope you make some friends (and not too many enemies), discover some fantastic books, and have a lot of fun!

Some general rules before we begin:

There may be some spoilers in the following post. We've tried to keep it fairly general, but overall, this Tourney will not be spoiler-free. So beware.

Secondly, You are welcome to write your own comments about either character in the comments section, but we will not tolerate rudeness. The minute it crosses over from logical argument into character bashing, your comments will be deleted and your vote canceled.  POLLS WILL BE OPEN FOR 24 HOURS AND WILL CLOSE AT 12:01AM EST ON DECEMBER 29th.

And now for the match....

I’m Jen, from the blog Unedited, I tweet avidly at @jenunedited, and can be found stalking YOU on facebook… but that’s enough about me. I’m the advocate for Hermione Granger and that’s where my focus is. To stay involved of all things Hermione Granger use hashtag #TEAMHERMIONE on twitter! Include my twitter so I can retweet and connect with you as much as possible!

About Her

So, let’s talk Hermione. You know, the girl who started with two big front teeth and turned into one amazing hottie. This brown hair, brown-eyed beauty can be found wearing the latest fashions when she isn’t in her black robes at Hogwarts. She’s not only bright in the Muggle world (non-magic folks) but can be found at the top of her class in the Wizarding world (magic folks… keep up). She’s known as a bit of a know-it-all but when you find yourself in a bind she’ll be the first with a spell to pull you right out of the sticky situation.

Best Attributes

Hermione isn’t your cookie-cutter heroine. The rawness in her inability to fit in makes her relatable to many girls. She wants to make friends and when she finally does she befriends several different personalities. The beauty of her friendship is the loyalty and trustworthiness she brings to the table. Judgment is left for those who are incompetent of understanding her beliefs. She’s a great support system for the house-elves and will stop at nothing until they’re freed. She’s a go-getter and the term give-up can NOT be found in her vocabulary.

What makes Hermione a true heroine?

Protecting the innocence and taming the guilty is a regular occurrence when hanging with her two best friends, Ron and Harry. From performing spells to hide from her enemies, to flying her way out of a sticky situation on the back of an invisible thestral (only seen to those who’ve witnessed death) this girl puts trust to a whole new level. Her ability to fake her way through a chess game, know how to destroy horcruxes, and learning all about the deathly hallows, she’s your own personal guide in any walk of life. Did I mention her determination... look at her... see what I mean?

Why should you vote for Hermione instead of Tris?

Hermione is a very selfless girl. One who doesn't hold grudges - even if people have talked about her horribly in the past. Hermione is extremely forgiving and unlike Tris doesn't let her stubbornness become the issue in any predicament.

Tris and Hermione are quite similar though, in the fact they both left their families. Hermione didn't have to chose to live away from her family, which would be hard for anyone, but she did have to protect them. She altered their minds to keep them safe when Voldemort was at his most powerful. She left them thinking they'd never had a daughter at all. Could you imagine? She loved her parents so much she was willing to leave the muggle world behind and only take part in the wizarding world to save them. Now that's a hero.

Tris is no underdog and though several people will say that Hermione has had her time in the spotlight, I have to ask, has she really? Hermione has never been in the spotlight by herself. Always sharing it with her two best buds, Ron and Harry can be time consuming. JK Rowling did wonderful showing friendship and loyalty, but Hermione deserves a little more confidence and faith that her readers didn’t just love the boys, but her as well. This round I’m asking you to show Hermione some extra love that she’s just as important solo as she is in a trio.

And just in case that isn't enough, how about Ryan Gosling helping promote a good cause? After all, isn't he sweet to be TEAM HERMIONE?

Anything else you’d like to add?

This ROCKSTAR was ready for fame and her name deserves to be on the next bracket. Help me carry our girl to the end and you won’t just dream of pygmy puffs and chocolate frogs… those goodies will be granted.

Hello again its Julie from My 5 Monkeys and here to advocate for Tris and all of her awesomeness.

About Her

I found Tris to be one of the strongest female characters in YA this year. She's a normal girl who is petite with blond hair and bites her nails but she has an inner strength that kept her alive during her Dauntless initiation. She grew up in the Abnegation Faction - The Selfless but has always felt drawn to the Dauntless Faction - The Brave, the faction she chooses when she turns 16. Tris embodies both these qualities. She is SELFLESS. She is BRAVE.

Best Attributes

She has compassion, and she stands up FOR (instead of to) her fellow initiates when they are being bullied despite the consequences for herself . She is brave and smart, and has fire in her to never give up throughout her Dauntless initiation.

What makes her a heroine
TRIS is also underestimated because of her size BUT faces her fears head on . She is a true heroine . She doesn't have any special abilities but never stops searching for the truth or fighting for the people she cares about.

Why is Tris better than her competitors?
I think Tris is just as great as the other competitors  but she stands apart from the crowd in her search for the truth, her loyalty and compassion to her fellow Dauntless members and her family. She rode the rails and learned to face her fears in her quest to become Dauntless . She also stood up to some unscrupulous people in the fraction and brave for her choices . 

Why is should she get your vote over Hermione ? 

I think that she is just as good and smart as Hermione. I think that we only know more about Hermione because she has been in 7 books where as with Tris she has only been introduced to her world and all Fractions. I do think Tris and Hermione both exceptional  of  characteristics  of being Dauntless and Selflessness. They are both Heroines of Worth . 

I think that Hermione is also a Rock Star in her world and with  all of her problems with he who must not be named. 

**voting is now closed**