Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Calling all Authors and Bloggers!
We want to first of all thank you for what a success this tournament has been! The advocates have worked so hard to defend their crushes, from spending hours writing up a defense, promoting their guys on blogs, twitter, facebook, and pulling all nighters to vote constantly for their crushes! That's why we would love to thank them! We have been collecting prizes for when the tournament ends. We would like to be able to give several prizes for specific awards, and not just to the Tournament Champion. We already have some swag and signed books to give away, but if you would like to contribute, we and our advocates would greatly appreciate it! If you would like to donate something for our giveaway you can tweet me @YASisterhood, comment here, or email me at yasisterhood(at)gmail(dot)com. Of course, if you do donate something, we will praise you greatly on our blog and twitter! Once again thank all of you for making this such a success, and especially thanks to all the authors who created such swoon-worthy characters to make a crush tournament even possible! And, a big thank you to our awesome advocates who have been so diligent even enough to crash 2 poll sites!!! You guys ROCK!!!